
Assessment and Evaluation

Growing through Assessment

Students’ learning is gauged on their current level of understanding and application of particular learning standards. Teachers identify foundational standards that are critical to student success for each class and grade level. Curriculum standards guide teachers in content selection, instruction methods, and activities. Student understanding and application of each standard are assessed based on rubrics, formative assessments, and performance level descriptors.

Academic Support Banner

Academic Support Programs

Students are supported academically in all core subjects plus English language skills for emerging bilingual students and Psychological Counseling Service. Our Academic Support Programs ensure that all students have equitable access to learning, opportunities for achievement, and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of their educational programs.

Campus and Facilities

Classroom Environment

Harvest International School Classrooms are equipped for different age groups. They have comfortable desks and chairs, smart boards, projectors, and a computer with internet connection available.

Computer Laboratory

An ICT laboratory equipped with modern desktops and laptops. Teachers use Interactive smart boards (IWB), printers, scanners, web-cameras, headphones, and other technologies to support collaborative learning.

Science Laboratory

Sciences and Biology laboratories are well-equipped. They offer space for conducting practical lessons. A computer and projector are installed, the room has taps, fire extinguishers, and all necessary learning aids.


The Library is the focal point of the learning experience at Harvest International Schools, providing children and staff with information and reading materials, as well as teaching and learning resources. Through the use of exciting displays, children are encouraged to enjoy reading for pleasure. The Library is the hub of our school. It is particularly successful in providing a warm and comfortable environment for reading and information sourcing. The library also provides access to a variety of literature in other languages, particularly Arabic.


Physical Education

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

We believe that Physical education provides cognitive content and instruction designed to develop motor skills, knowledge, and behaviors for physical activity and physical fitness. Physical education classes happen weekly for all grades to provide students with the ability and confidence to be physically active for a lifetime.

Football is part of our PE classes as our students have expressed keen interest in the matches.  All players in a football match work toward a common goal. Football teaches the students first-hand how their performance impacts the rest of the team and the result of the match. The game teaches them to play both leadership roles as well as supporting roles


STEM Classes

at Harvest International schools, provide students with unique opportunities for teamwork and practical exposure in applied technology. STEM stands for “Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.” Living and working in the modern world requires collaboration with a diverse group of people. STEM classes engage our students in exciting team activities that sharpen their problem-solving skills.